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The purpose of this document is to introduce this game to someone who never heard about this game (assuming an intelligent person never heard about this game).



Tic Tac Toe is a board game played at any time by two players with a paper and pencil. It is also called Noughts (O) and Crosses (X) in British English.

This is a Zero-sum game. If the opponent knows your move, you cannot win the game. If both the opponents play with an optimal strategy, the game will always end in a tie. This game involves looking ahead and trying to figure out what the person against you might do next.This is also a game of chance.


The goal of this game is to be the first player to get three marks in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally).This game can have only three outcomes.

Number of Players: 2

Four players can also play Tic-Tac-Toe, which is an advanced version of this game.

Tools: Pen/Pencil, Paper


  • Two players play this game.
  • This game is played by drawing a 3X3 grid of squares (three by three squares) on a piece of paper.
  • Players choose their marks X or O.
  • By alternating, each player picks a space.
  • The first player to get the marks in a row (horizontally, vertically, diagonally) wins the game.
  • The game is over when all the nine squares are filled.

If the game ends without a win for any of the players, it is a TIE.

How to play

Following are the steps to play Tic-Tac-Toe:

  1. On a piece of paper, draw a 3X3 grid of squares, which means it has three rows and three columns, as shown in the image below.


    Toss a coin to see which player goes first.
  1. Players take alternate turns. They fill in the girds with their chosen mark X or O’s, as shown in the image below.


  1. The players play till all the grids are filled with X or O’s as shown in the image below.


  1. The player who first succeeds in placing the marks horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game, as shown in the image below.


  1. If all the squares are filled, and none of the players were able to make three marks in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally),then the game ends in a tie.
