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The purpose of this document is to help a beginner level developer/student to add weather API to a website. This API documentation includes a sample request, response in JSON format with a detailed description of the response attributes.


The weather API is a sample API documented to add weather information to the website.

Weather API

Weather API provides information about the weather conditions like temperature, winds, cloudiness, etc., for a specific location.


Key Value
Authentication API Key
Content-Type application/json


Get/ weather

Retrieves the weather conditions for a specific location.


Path Parameters

Path Parameter Description
{weather} The details of the weather conditions for a specific location using coordinates.

Querystring Parameters

Query string Parameter| Description| Required/Optional ----------|-------|-----| Zip|The Zip code of the city.|Required| units|Units to measure the temperature. Imperial: Fahrenheit ; Kevin, Metric: Celsius |Optional Days|The number of days.|Required Lat & Long| Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) of the location.|Optional


Note : In the above sample request, replace APIKEY with your actual API KEY.


curl --location --request GET ''

Sample Response

The following is a sample response for the above request:

Note : Units in this example are Imperial:Fahrenheit.

    "coord": {
        "lon": -122.02,
        "lat": 37.29
    "weather": [
            "id": 803,
            "main": "Clouds",
            "description": "broken clouds",
            "icon": "04d"
    "base": "stations",
    "main": {
        "temp": 75.79,
        "feels_like": 64.72,
        "temp_min": 73,
        "temp_max": 78.01,
        "pressure": 1015,
        "humidity": 47
    "visibility": 16093,
    "wind": {
        "speed": 21.92,
        "deg": 330
    "clouds": {
        "all": 75
    "dt": 1592180828,
    "sys": {
        "type": 1,
        "id": 5845,
        "country": "US",
        "sunrise": 1592138828,
        "sunset": 1592191798
    "timezone": -25200,
    "id": 5393485,
    "name": "Saratoga",
    "cod": 200

Response Attributes

Following table details each response attribute:

Attribute Description
coord The coordinates of the geolocation. Refer 1.1 coord for details.
weather An object containing details of more weather condition codes. Refer 1.2 weather for details.
base An internal parameter.
main An object containing temperature details. Refer 1.3 main for details.
visibility In meteorology, visibility is a measure of the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned. Units are Meters.
wind An object containing wind parameters. Refer 1.4 wind for details.
clouds Determines the cloudiness. Refer 1.5 Clouds for details.
dt Time of data calculation (UNIX, UTC).
sys An internal parameter.
timezone Shift in seconds from UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).
id ID of the city.
name Name of the city.
cod API success/failure code.

Following are the objects :

1.1 Coord

Attribute Data type Description
lon Double Longitude of the location.
lat Double Latitude of the location.

1.2 weather

Attribute Data type Description
id Integer A weather condition ID.
main String Group of weather parameters.
description String Description of the weather condition in the group.
icon String A weather icon ID.

1.3 main

Attribute Data Type Description
temp Double Temperature. Units to measure : Metric -> Celsius and Imperial -> Fahrenheit.
feels_like Double A human felt temperature. Units to measure : Metric -> Celsius, Imperial -> Fahrenheit.
temp_min Double Lowest calculated temperature of the day. Units to measure : Kevin, Metric -> Celsius, Imperial -> Fahrenheit
temp_max Double Highest calculated temperature of the day. Units to measure : Kevin, Metric -> Celsius, Imperial -> Fahrenheit,
pressure Double Atmospheric pressure (assuming the location is at Sea-Level).
humidity Double Percentage of humidity.

1.4 wind

Attribute | Data type |Description ----------|-----------|------| speed|Double|Speed of the wind. Units to measure : Metric -> meter/second, Imperial -> miles/hour deg|Double|The direction of the wind. Units to measure: Degrees.

1.5 Clouds

Attribute | Data type|Description ----------|---------|-----| all|Integer| Indicates the percentage of cloudiness.

1.6 sys

Attribute Data type Description
type Integer Type of a sys parameter (Internal).
id Integer Type of a sys parameter (Internal).
country String Name of the country. Each country has a specific code, e.g., United States-US, Japan-JP.
sunrise Integer Time of the sunrise. Units to measure: UNIX, UTC
sunset Integer Time of the sunset. Units to measure: UNIX, UTC